cabane a sucre, sugar shack, quebec

Wordless Wednesday: cabane à sucre with the kids #Quebec #culture #SugarShack

There are few things as Quebecoise as la cabane à sucre in the spring. The crunch of snow beneath our boots as we walk through the woods, the familiar scent of firewood burning, horse drawn carriages trotting in the snow and the distant melody of live music playing in the dining hall. There’s nothing quite like la cabane à sucre in the spring in Quebec.

cabane a sucre, sugar shack, quebec


My friend and I had a wonderful time with kids. We stopped for piping hot maple syrup poured on to fluffy white snow, drank coffee, smothered our pancakes in delectable fresh maple syrup and pour that STUFF on everything!

Being born and raised Quebec, few things remind me of childhood class trips as a trip to the sugar shack/cabane à sucre. When’s the last time YOU went sugaring off?


cabane à sucre, sugaring off, quebec, canada

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    1. It was Sucrerie de la montagne Rigaud Karen. They have a separate fully vegetarian menu and are particular with how they prepare their food.

  1. It’s been a while. These pictures really take me back! Hubby and I were actually talking about going to a sugar bush over the March break, as my kids have never been (disgraceful, I know), but it didn’t work out as everyone was sick. Maybe next year.

  2. My husband’s family has their own small sugar camp where they make maple syrup each year, so we have never taken the kids to an actual sugar bush, but I am hoping to this year. We are right in the middle of a few great places here in Ontario, I’ll have to go check them out, you have inspired me! 🙂

  3. I used to love going to the cabane a sucre when I was a kid! I hope to bring my kids one day. It’s a long way to go (I live in BC) but I think it’s worth it!

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