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5 Summer Survival Tips for Work-At-Home Moms #WAHM @BTMontreal

Working from home is truly a blessing but it can also be a juggling act. Here are 5 tips that can help you balance working at home while having your kids home for the summer. I’ve included some wonderful tips from other WAHM pro’s. Be sure to check out their blogs as well.

wahm, work at home moms, survival tips, 5 survival tips for work at home moms, canadianmomeh, btmontreal, breakfast television montreal 
1) Communicate – Talk to your kids about what sort of activities they’d like to take part in during the summer. Speak to your spouse or significant other about what your work schedule looks like and then schedule away. If you can afford it, enrol the kids in a day camp program for 2 days a week, and then work your schedule around that. 
2) Schedule – Set two hour increments. Two hours to play with the kids, keep them active and tire them out. Then two hours to work while the kids have some quiet time. This will vary depending on the children’s ages, you may need to adjust it for younger children. When the kids have had their two hours of quiet time, reward them (and yourself) with a treat, a walk to the park or some popsicles on the deck then back to work. Great tip from talesofarantingginger.com
3) If/when possible depending on your line of work, plan ahead. As a blogger and journalist I try to plan a couple of weeks ahead whenever possible, that way if something comes up with the kids it allows me to better roll with the punches. Great tip from http://theknitwitbyshair.com
4) Lists. Lists are a WAHM’s best friend. When possible make a list of the next day’s task the night before. That way you can simply sit down and plug away. Be sure to include a column for household tasks, errands, appointments in addition to your own work and deliverables. As you work your way down the list, scratch things off.
5) Playdates – speak to your children’s friend’s parents. Find out who’s home then line up playdates during the week. If they can help you out during the week with a couple of playdates here and there, pick their kids up for a movie or an afternoon on the weekend. Great tip from www.babystylista.com
One of the biggest reasons I chose to work from home with my children was so that I could be there for them. It’s always helpful to keep this in mind. They’re only this young once. There are days when I am swamped with deadlines and would love to simply work away in peace but the weather is good and the kids want to head to the local pool. So, I pack our bag and take them for a swim. We’re all in a much better mood when we get back. They get to rest and I get to work. At the end of the day, we’re all happy.
Here’s a segment I did on Breakfast Television Montreal about Working From Home while the kids are home for the summer.

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  1. Playdates are a great way to help kids and moms socialize. It’s important to have those interactions from time to time.

  2. These are wonderful tips. I’m so glad that we didn’t struggle scheduling our activities during the summer . I worked a few hours in the morning and a few again at night. I got the afternoons and early evenings free, so we can do a lot of activities.

  3. I will keep these tips in mind. I am planning on leaving the corporate world and be a WAHM. I am close to getting corporate burn out.

  4. Such great tips. I think playdates and trips to the park are seriously what help us get through this long summer and I can have a break from my work.

  5. The day camp suggestion is spectacular. I volunteered at a Girl Scout art morning day camp one summer and my Cadette scout volunteered for the 3rd grade group. She had a blast working with the kids and sharing GS skills. I was able to relax knowing she was at the same park I was instead of sitting home wondering when I was going to be back.

  6. I wish I could work from home. I’ve been trying for a couple of years, but not bringing in enough to make the bacon. I owe, I owe so it’s off to work I go. 😉 You do have great tips here though!

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